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    Soul Whisper Art

    Vanessa Guerrero

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  • A few words behind Soul Whisper Art

    My name is Vanessa Guerrero I live in the beautiful city of Valencia. My passion is to see the magic around me. I want to inspire with my Art, I want others to remember their magic within themselves. The paintings are my soul whispers, may them inspire to see your Light within.

  • Gallery 1

    Soul Whisper Painting

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    She observes with curiosity and invites magic into life

    May she remind you to stay open to the unknown and to see all the magic in your life.

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    Be You

    Love yourself

    May she remind you to love yourself, with every messy part in you, start to love yourself, it's the most important relationship you will have in your life. Nurture it.

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    In the Moment


    It's the feeling when the wind touches your skin... when you have space to breathe... when you remember all is fine and you are grateful to be alive.

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    Moon Girl

    We are stardust

    We are stardust, we are a part of all. The whole universe expresses itself through you, surrender, get still and listen...

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    Trust the Flow

    Sometimes we have the inner urge to push, to force the process of growth. Get still, slow down and listen to your inner whisper, and you will hear the message. TRUST and go with the flow. The Turtle symbolizes wisdom.

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    Sacred Space Within

    May you remember your sacred space within. The space of your own truth, the space where you can hear the gentle whispers of your soul. The space where you always find refuge, when the world around you seems to be overwhelming.

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    Strong, wisdom and patience

    The Elephant stands for strength, patience and wisdom, May you remember all this attributes within you!

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    Free Spirit

    You are free

    The horse symbolizes for me strength, power, wilderness and a free spirit. May you remember your wild free spirit within yourself and give yourself the permission to express it.

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    Moon Cycle

    Each phase has a different energy, honor it.

    There is a time to set intentions, get inspired, be creative, to grow and to transform and getting still to listen to your inner whispers.

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    Inner Child

    I will always see you, hold you and love you with all my heart.

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    Allow yourself to blossom

    Give yourself permission to blossom, to be seen to express your true self!

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    Dance in the Moon

    To all my Moon Sisters

    Dance in the Moonlight, feel you, express yourself and be one with all the surrounds you.

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    Transformation, Joy and lightness

    The dragonfly stands for change and transformation, for joy and lightness in life! Remember to invite Joy and lightness into your own process.

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    Be Graceful

    Accept and Celebrate

    Celebrate your good times, enjoy it, feel it and be in the moment, and accept the difficult times, what can this situation teach you? How can you shift the perspective so you can empower you?

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    Find your Tribe

    May your tribe empower and inspire you, may your tribe be filled with strong, creative, whole- hearted authentic souls, who reflects back to you all the radiance you hold.

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    Angel of Wisdom

    You are already what you are looking for

    May this angel remind you of all the beauty, all the inner strength and wisdom which is inside you. There is no need to rush, no need to compare yourself. You are already what you are looking for. My wish to you is love and peace during the process of creation.

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    Owl of Whisper

    The owl is a symbol for deep connection, intuition and wisdom.

    May she remember you to create space for stillness, so you can hear your soul wisdom and your connection to your inner truth

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    Angel of Transformation

    Trust your Wings

    I spread my wings and I feel strong and confident, the moment I let myself fall is scary but soon I can feel all the support of the wind and I chose to trust and surrender. The wind is life, my own truth… the essence of my soul.

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    Elephant of Wisdom

    May she remind you of all the wisdom, strength and the trust within you. May you be inspired to remember all the colors of your soul and to give yourself the permission to express it without holding back.

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    Feathers of Joy

    I believe we all have Wings, Wings that can carry us to Unknown places. For our Wings to be strong enough to lift us, they need feathers. Each feather stands for a beautiful moment, a gentle whisper, a color of our soul. Together they create your unique Wings. Trust in their magic power, spread your wings and fly. <3

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    Owl of Wisdom

    May this owl remind you of your wings, of all your potential and strength that u hold within, that you are connected to the cycle of life, where its time to fly and expand and time to rest in stillness.

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    Celtic Spirit Stag

    May he remind you, that you are a child of life, you are connected at all times to your guidance within. Open up and receive the gentle whispers.

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    Earth Spirit

    May she remind you to trust, to listen to your light within and to feel the grounding energy of mama earth.

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    I am

    I am rooted to the Earth and connected to father Sky, I open for all the energies flowing through me and I trust I am safe, I am here, I am alive.

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    Soul Whisper Sister - Trust

    May she remind you to pause and close your eyes, connect to your breath and feel the connection, feel you and all the life within you.

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    I open up my arms and I hold you, I hold all of you and love can flow.

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    Stepping in the Circle of Fire

    I step in the circle of fire and I surrender, I let my soft energy emerge with the essence of the fire and a new energy will arise.

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    Listen to your Universe

    I close my eyes and I listen to my Soul Whispers, the gentle soft voice within, who is carrying the wisdom of the Universe.

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    Feathers of my Wings

    Each feather of your wings help you to fly 🕊 honor them, nourish them and trust that they will carry you wherever you are meant to go.

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    The Fire within

    She is fierce, she is connected to her roots, she can connect to all the limitless energy within.

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    Trust Listen Feel

    I trust in my divine nature, I listen to my soul whispers within and I feel all the energy flowing through my body, down to the earth and up to the sky. I AM

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    Light within the Clouds

    Sometimes I feel dark clouds surrounding me, I'm closing up, I'm feeling heavy and isolated. But I more and more feel the light within me always present and I know when I get still to feel what is present the clouds are getting more transparent and lighter sooner and I can open up again and my inner light shines through my heart 💕

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    Dancing with the Wind

    I’m dancing with leaves in the wind, I feel free, wild and out of control and still the dance is harmonious and rhythmic. I’m losing myself in the movement, forget what others might think. The leaves, Me, the Wind all is ONE. It feels connected and playful. The excitement arises within my body and I can’t stop smiling, I want to scream out of Joy. It feels like my true essence without holding back.

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    Nourishing thoughts

    May it also remind you to have nourishing thoughts, so that something beautiful can grow ❤

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    May it remind you that we are all connected to all beings, may it inspire you to connect to the light within and to let your light shine bright, so that it can radiate the healing all around you.

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    I go within

    no words only stillness

    Be in the moment

    May it inspire you to take a moment so breathe in deeply and to see the magic around you.

  • Gallery 3

    Soul Whisper Painting

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    Moon Owl

    She is connected to the night and the moon.
    She brings the message to remember we are cyclic beings, allow yourself to live with your natural flow.
    To retreat and renew...
    To awaken and shine...
    To let things grow and expand...
    To slow down again to be in your space within... We are all daughters of the Moon.

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    Fox of Light

    Be still and listen

    There is a time to dive deep into yourself, to listen, to feel and simply be in the space.

    You will feel when the moment comes when the Light wants to come forth so it can expand to the outer world and touch those around you. Until you feel drawn to return inward again.
    No need to push or to force rather than witness and allow it to happen.

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    Stag of Stardust

    He brings the message that it is time to tune into your intuition, to trust yourself and to honour your own inner whispers, by creating the stillness to hear them.
    What Does the Spirit of the Stag Say to You?

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    The Dragonfly of Change

    She carries the wisdom of transformation, she is connected to change and light.
    May she remind us not to be scared of changes in our lives, instead to invite change with an open heart and to see the potential that it contains.
    May she remind us to turn inward for all the wisdom and strength we need to embrace it with open eyes.

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    Horse of the Moonlight

    The horse spirit wants to remind you of your strength and your divine light within.
    No matter how dark some days seem, there is a light always shining within you.
    The light that knows, all is ok, even though it seems you are in the middle of a hurricane of events and emotions.
    And when you listen you can hear the whispers saying, this shall pass too, no need to push, no need to resist


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    The Peacock of Light


    The white peacock is a symbol of pure light and unconditional love.

    May he bring light to you and remind you of the limitless Love within you. May you remember to allow yourself to receive the Love, as well as you, share it with those around you

  • Love Whispers of Receivers

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    Julie Le Carrer

    Healer & Soul Awakener

    "I own a print and an original painting by Vanessa and her Art is pure nourishment to my Soul. I feel so supported just by looking at it and it reconnects me back to my essence, to my truth and to the magic of the Universe.
    It helps me with faith, power, love and universal healing. Vanessa's Art is powerful, gentle, pure, magic, profound, divine guidance and a true gift. My home is blessed".



  • A painting spoke to you?

    Get in touch with me for more Information


    Receive a Print

    Choose out of the paintings above and I can make a reprint and send it to you.


    Your own Soul Whisper Painting

    I will create a unique soul whisper painting only for you, after getting in touch and finding out what the essence of your art piece will have, I will create your own Soul Whisper Art Piece :)


    Your Totem

    You collected something from nature or you own a piece that resonates with you and you would like it to have a artisic touch with your soul message? I would love to co-create a piece with you!


    Your Soul Whisper Sister

    I create unique Soul Whisper Dolls. We will tune in, what essence your sister will have and what wisdom she will carry for you :)